
Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS

About: Gregori M. Kurtzman, DDS

Dr. Kurtzman is in private general practice in Silver Spring, Md. A former assistant clinical professor at University of Maryland, he has earned Fellowship in the AGD, American Academy of Implant Prostho-dontics, Ameri?can College of Dentists, International Con?gress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), Pierre Fauchard Academy, Association of Dental Implantology; Masterships in the AGD and ICOI; and Diplomate status in the ICOI and American Dental Implant Association. He has lectured internationally on the topics of restorative dentistry, endodontics, implant surgery and prosthetics, removable and fixed prosthetics, and periodontics and has more than 330 published articles. He has been honored to be included in Dentistry Today?s Leaders in Continuing Education since
2006. He can be reached via e-mail at the address dr_kurtzman@maryland-implants.com.