Brian Jackson, DDS

About: Brian Jackson, DDS

Dr. Jackson graduated from Utica College cum laude with a BS degree in biology. He received his DDS degree at State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Jackson com?pleted postgraduate training at St. Luke?s Memorial Hos?pital Center?s general practice residency program and completed his formal oral im?plantology training at New York University School of Dentistry. He is a Dip?lomate of the American Board of Oral Im?plantol?ogy/Implant Den?tistry, an honored Fellow of the American Acad?emy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), and a member of the ADA. Currently, he serves as trustee for the AAID, and is past president of the Northeast district of the AAID, as well as, past president of the Oneida-Herkimer County Dental Society. Dr. Jackson is an attending staff dentist for Faxton-St. Luke?s Healthcare general practice residency program. He is a faculty member of the Las Vegas Maxi?course in Oral Im?plantology. He has presented oral im?plantol?ogy lectures internationally and has published peer-reviewed articles in various journals. Dr. Jackson is treasurer for the AAID?s Re?search Foundation and a scientific reviewer for the Jour?nal of Oral Implantol?ogy. He can be reached at